Monday, June 28, 2010


Is being humble the key?

I find, and I am sure a lot of you can relate, that I am never quite happy enough. I might get a good job, but not really enough pay. I might get more pay, but do I really want to be a Graphic Designer. Could I be a fashion designer or stylist or even a makeup artist or photographer. It feels like I am always waiting for my life to begin… when hey guess what – it already has.

Do I just need to learn to be happy with what I have?
I guess you should never settle and always shoot for the stars, as they say, but being a little more humble also couldn’t hurt. Maybe I need to meditate and find some inner peace.

So here is the challenge I set myself and you.
Say thankyou more often, put someone else’s needs before your own, laugh whenever possible, take joy in a nice meal or a hot bath and if you are having a tough day just give yourself some slack and remember music helps everything.

I like the following song - Icecream by Muscles. In a world full of chaos - you need to take joy in the small things. Enjoy!

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